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红牛 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
卧龙 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
闪电 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
无尽 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
爱看 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
八戒 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
鱼乐 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
After serving two years on a military outpost in the middle of an ocean – four soldiers are waiting for a new crew to replace them. When the long-awaited boat finally appears, it’s empty with no relief on board. When trying to find out what happened to the boat and the missing crew, they realize they’ve lost all communications with home. Cut off from the rest of the world and n...